Campus News

SCOTUS Strikes down Affirmative Action in Higher Ed Dillard University Urges Recommitment to Access

While Dillard University is disappointed in today’s Harvard/UNC decision by the Supreme Court, we strongly urge the higher education sector to work fervently and creatively on ensuring our campuses reflect the diversity of our nation and provide access to all who want to study.

The decision is especially disheartening considering that the Court has previously acknowledged what we in the higher education space have known for decades, namely that, “a diverse student body promotes cross-racial understanding, helps break down racial stereotypes, and enables students to better understand persons of different races.” In prior decisions, the Court has also acknowledged that, “student body diversity promotes learning outcomes, and better prepares students for an increasingly diverse workforce and society.”

The Court’s decision today has made it harder to achieve these essential educational objectives. Nevertheless, we hope that it will lead to broad collaboration between institutions that have traditionally served a primarily white population and those serving minority populations.

Dillard University, as the oldest HBCU in Louisiana, remains committed to providing access to those impacted by societal barriers, whether such barriers are based on race, caste or class. We were founded more than 150 years ago for the purpose of educating Black Americans and are steadfast in our commitment to elevate Black Americans through a high quality education that cultivates leaders who live ethically, think and communicate precisely and act courageously to make the world a better place.

We will continue to partner with Predominantly White Colleges and Universities, community colleges, Hispanic serving institutions, tribal colleges and high schools across the nation to ensure that this decision does not stifle opportunities for those who have been served through affirmative action programs.

Additionally, we need employers to recommit to recruiting talent from Minority Serving Institutions and HBCUs like Dillard where the pool of talent will remain strong and disproportionately large. We invite the entire Higher Education Community to do what Justice Jackson called us to do in her eloquent dissent, namely,“stare at racial disparity unblinkingly, and then do what evidence and experts tell us is required to level the playing field and march forward together, collectively striving to achieve true equality for all Americans.” We stand with those who remain committed to this goal.

About Dillard University
Dillard University is a historically Black institution that cultivates leaders who live ethically, think and communicate precisely, and act courageously to make the world a better place. Located in New Orleans, Dillard is a private faith-based liberal arts university that offers 22 majors and two certificate programs. Ranked 5th on 2021 The New York Times Overall Mobility Index and 14th in 2022 by Academic Influence for Best Colleges and Universities by Academic Stewardship, Dillard’s call to future leaders is to Write Your Legacy. Find out more about Louisiana’s oldest HBCU by visiting


Dillard University will be closed on Wednesday, June 19, in observance of Juneteenth and will reopen on Thursday, June 20, at 8 a.m.