Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Act is a consumer protection law that aims to provide transparency around campus crime policy and statistics. To comply with the Clery Act, Dillard University provides the following information:


  1. Get to a safe place
  2. Contact someone who can help you: a friend, University Counseling Center, your RA, the health clinic and/ or the police. Students should report an incident to the University Police by calling 504-816-4911 or 911 for an on campus assault; 911 for an off campus assault. Calling 911 will connect you with the New Orleans Police Department. Police can meet you at a confidential location at your request.
  3. Do not shower, drink, eat, smoke, brush your teeth or change your clothes after the assault. These activities destroy important physical evidence, in the event that you decide to prosecute the assailant. 
  4. Get medical attention immediately either at the Student Health Center or the nearest hospital emergency room. The professional health care staff have the training and licensure to perform the exam to assess for physical injuries and to collect the evidence needed in the event you decide to prosecute the assailant. The police can take you to the hospital or meet you there if you choose to file a report with law enforcement.
  5. As soon as you have a quiet moment, write down everything that you remember with as much detail as possible. This will help you with your own healing process, as well as help in any legal action you might decide to take.
  6. Remember: the assault was not your fault. If you choose not to file criminally then speak to a counselor, the Title IX Coordinator or a Pastoral person. This will help with your healing process.

Dillard University Title IX


  • A campus police department or a campus security department of an institution.
  • Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security department under the above paragraph, such as an individual who is responsible for monitoring entrance into institutional property.
  • Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses.
  • An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, and campus judicial proceedings.
  • If such an official is a pastoral or professional counselor as defined below, the official is not considered a campus security authority when acting as a pastoral or professional counselor.




  • Any building owned or controlled by an institution within the same reasonable contiguous geographic area and used by the institution in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the institution’s education purposes, including residence halls.
  • Any building or property that is within or reasonably contiguous the area identified in paragraph “A”, that is owned by the institution but controlled by another person, is frequently used by students, and support institutional purposes (such as food or other retail vendor).

Non campus building or property

  • Any building or property owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially recognized by the institution.
  • Any building or property owned or controlled by an institution that is used in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution’s educational purposes, is frequently used by students, and is not within the same reasonable contiguous geographic area of the institution.

Public Property

  • All public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities, that is within the campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.uently used by students, and support institutional purposes (such as food or other retail vendor).



Emergencies:  (504) 816-4911 or 4911 on campus
Non-Emergencies:  (504) 816-5310 or 5310 on campus

DUPD is committed to serving and protecting in a manner that promotes respect for all members of our community and protecting the rights of all. DUPD wants you to know that you have the right to compliment or complain about an officer’s actions and that if you have any questions or concerns, they want to hear from you.