Contact Us
Undergraduate Research
Dr. Eartha L. Johnson
Dean of Faculty and Student Academic Services
2601 Gentilly Boulevard
New Orleans Louisiana 70122
Ph. (504)816-4100
Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH at Dillard adds value and variety to student’s educational experience. With mentoring by faculty members outside the classroom, students in any discipline have opportunities for continuous support to engage in research and creative work in an area of interest. Students develop research or creative projects, collect data, and present findings in a research paper, the annual symposium as well as local, regional and national conferences.
Through Undergraduate Research, students build important relationships with key faculty members. If the research or creative work is within a field that you intend to pursue in graduate school or career, this experiences can provide very direct benefits.
Creating new knowledge does not have to wait until your Senior project or Honors thesis. First year and transferring students are encouraged to begin student-initiated research and creative work in their major today. Begin expanding your academic experience by assisting in a research or creative project with a faculty mentor. Workshops, clinics, funding and other support are available to help you succeed in your projects.
For more information on out-of-classroom research and creative activities, contact your academic advisor or visit the Office of Undergraduate Research in the PSB, Room 250.
Stay connected to Dillard Undergraduate Research:
Twitter: @DUUndergradRes
Dr. Eartha L. Johnson
Dean of Faculty and Student Academic Services
(504) 816-4100
Dillard University is an institutional member of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR). This national organization promotes and supports undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in all fields of study. For additional information on CUR, contact Dr. Eartha L. Johnson.
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