Our Seal and Crest


The design of the University seal was developed by the namesake of Dillard University, James HardyDillard.Within the band that contains Dillard Universityand Louisiana, is the motto “Ex Fide Fortis” and below it, the combination of the scales of justice and an anchor which represents steadiness.


The crest that accompanies the Dillard University logo contains symbols in four quadrants. Starting from the upper left, the first quadrant contains the scales and anchor from the seal. The upper right quadrant contains a book for knowledge.

Dillard University Logo

The lower right quadrant contains an oak tree leaf and acorn representing the growth of our students. Within the lower left quadrant is a fleur-de-lis symbolizing the culture and heritage of New Orleans.Above the crest is the University motto and at the bottom is thefounding year 1869. 

Visit the Dillard University Branding Resources page for more information.