Quality Enhancement Plan

The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is an integral component of the reaffirmation of accreditation process, is derived from an institution’s ongoing comprehensive planning and evaluation processes, and focuses on an issue that the institution considers important to improving student learning outcomes and/or student success. 

Dillard University has chosen oral communication skills as our QEP topic:

Dillard University’s QEP goal is to foster an institutional environment that prepares students to be effective and competitive oral communicators in a diverse, global, and technologically advanced society.

Effective and competitive oral communication is clear, tactful and relevant; it is informative and concise; it is used to build relationships and to enhance productivity and innovation.

To achieve this overarching goal, Dillard intends to develop students’ oral communication skills to become effective and appropriate communicators in all situations. Key student learning outcomes (SLOs) identified for the QEP include:

  1. Students will demonstrate effective oral communication competency during academic advising by articulating their academic goals and asking appropriate questions to gain an understanding of their requirements for academic progress.
  2. Students will demonstrate effective discipline-specific oral communication during selected upper-level courses in their major.
  3. Students engaged with co-curricular activities that connect with coursework or enhance skills necessary for successful entry into the workforce (undergraduate research, mock trial, student leadership, athletics) will demonstrate effective oral communication through the delivery of well-organized, fitting, and meaningful speech appropriate to the setting and audience.


Dillard University Quality Enhancement Plan Downloads


Contact Information:
Jacques J. Detiege