Contact Us

Communications & Marketing
Rosenwald Hall, Suite 215
2601 Gentilly Boulevard
New Orleans Louisiana 70122

Ph:  (504) 816.4260 
Fx:  (504) 816.4327

Office Hours:
M-F 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Project Request Forms

The Office of Communications and Marketing (OCM) created the following forms to work with units throughout the University for communications and marketing efforts. For the best results, we strongly recommend submitting your request at least three (3) weeks prior to your event or deadline.

Once your request is received and confirmed, the OCM team will follow up to confirm the parameters of the project. Afterward, you will receive a notification that we have begun working on your project.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A request that requires a purchase (i.e., design requests and advertising) must be paid for by the requestor. OCM can get a quote for the project if needed.

Project Request Forms


Guidelines, policies and Procedures